Thursday, March 27, 2008


I know that it has been a VERY long time since I have posted, but life has just gotten in the way! Our family is continuing to adjust to being a family of 5 quite nicely. Danielle is a little ball of fire - one that gets into everything!! I always seem to be about 3 steps behind her, needless to say, my house is never clean!! She loves to read books, play outside and dance with her sisters. She is just doing great! Danielle is also starting to talk A LOT! I am now Mommy - all the time. She will run around the house saying, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" over and over until she can locate me - very cute - sometimes. She is also saying Daddy, jie jie (big sister in Chinese), puppy, book, bottle, more, eat, drink, Man! (she got that from me), shoes, nice (whenever she gets dressed) and she has just learned nasty (because she was putting something nasty in her mouth) - just to name a few. Danielle loves to imitate, and therefore her language skills are really kicking in. Stephanie and Liz love to play dress-up, and now, so does Danielle. Stephanie and Liz continue to be great big sisters and are usually very willing to help. I love having 3 little girls, although it can be very exhausting a lot of the time. I am trying to get more organized, but that is quite difficult with 3 little ones under the age of 5! Maybe I will get my act together by the time they move out.
While Danielle is trying more American foods, she still loves her Chinese noodles! We often go to a restaurant up the street, which she loves! Stephanie has also become quite the little noodle and dumpling eater - she will be ready for a trip to China someday! Anyway, this past weekend Steve took the girls up there to pick up dinner, and met a new employee who was asking about Danielle and where she was from. Ready for amazing? It turns out that her mother is from Laibin, China - Danielle's birthplace! The odds of this are totally amazing - only God could have orchestrated this! I can't help but wonder if she knows Danielle's foster mom, or birth mom. Steve promised to take this girl some pictures of Laibin (she lived there when she was little) and she was very excited about that. It will be interesting to see if we can learn any more about Danielle's birthplace.

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