Saturday, April 11, 2009

VERY Productive Spring Break

Well, Danielle is potty trained!! YIPPEEE!!! Don't ask why, but Monday morning (the first official day of spring break), I thought, "Hey, we have a week off from school, why not potty train Danielle?" Crazy, huh? I knew that we were going to be stuck at home for a couple of days (since the weather was going to be cold - 40s), so what better way to pass the time? We had tried to casually train her a couple of times before, but after sitting on the potty for a while, she would get up and promptly wet her pants - UGH!! So, Monday morning, we tried it again. I put her in panties (and rubber pants), and what did she do? Wet herself - 3 times. But, on the 4th try, she actually went in the potty! Major party time! After she realized that going on the potty wasn't so scary, she kept her pants dry. On Wednesday, we had some friends over for a playdate, and right in the middle of playing, Danielle came up to me and said, "I have to go pee-pee really bad!"...and she did - in the potty!!! We have been golden ever since. I took all the girls to the playground on Thursday...Danielle stayed dry! I took the girls to a local bounce house on Friday...and Danielle stayed dry! And yes, she has been in panties every day since Monday...including all outings! Now, she was doing great with #1, but #2 was going to be tricky...or so I thought. Well, yesterday she went #2 in the potty and hasn't had any trouble! She is still sleeping in diapers, but tonight before bed, she said she had to go potty, and she the potty, not her diaper! Praise God! She was my easiest child to potty train yet! Sorry for all the "potty talk", but I am just so proud of her - and she is too! So maybe we didn't get to go on a fancy spring break trip, but we sure accomplished a lot!!!


Briana's Mom said...

Congrats! I potty trained Briana last week too and we are now golden! The first day and a half was tough, but once it click for her - all was good! It was the perfect week to do it!

Ellen and Kevin Fay said...

Yeah! What a great accomplishment. Saving lots of money on daytime diapers :)

The Millers said...

How awesome! We are still working on SB. Love that child dearly but she is so stubborn. Some mornings she wakes and just refuses to go on the potty-is locking her in the bathroom for a day bad?? Just kidding. She does both on the potty when she WANTS to....oh well I am sure she will be in underwear full time before kindergarten!!
We are so excited about your next adoption-a boy, how wonderful!!! Can't wait to hear more details.
This is all so exciting and scary at the same time. God amazes us!!

How exciting about Meg being in China as well. His hand is so evident!!

Lisa, Bill and XingXing said...

Hi. I'm a fellow Laibin adoptive mom. (Lai Fu Xing). I'm trying to get my little one potty trained, so congrats. My email is