Monday, October 22, 2007

This is what it is all about...

As I mentioned in earlier posts, we were blessed to find Danielle on Hope for Children's Waiting Child list. This list contained pictures and brief medical descriptions of 10 beautiful children. Danielle was #6 on that list. Joe and Amy's daughter, SuSu was #5. These are 3 more children that were on that list and now have a forever family: Ally (with her sisters), Frannie and Shelby. Shelby's mom and dad are getting ready to go and get her - they are leaving on the Oct. 31st! Ally was brought home in July, and Frannie came home in early September. Danielle, SuSu and Shelby are all from the same province - and they will get to be friends once they all get home!! It is truly amazing that we can be friends with half of the children on that list. Ally and Frannie's story is very amazing as well! They were both in the same orphanage in China! Before their parents were able to bring them home, they were friends! And now they only live about 30 minutes away from each other!! When they were in China, Frannie was called Emma by her caregivers, and little Ally still calls her that! We spent the afternoon with Ally, Frannie and Shelby's parents on Sunday and it was so wonderful to see how well these little girls are doing. They have gone through such dramatic changes in a few short months and yet they are dealing with it so well. God has given them such loving families - these little girls are truly blessed! Our prayers are now with Shelby, SuSu and Danielle, that they will transition easily into their forever families and that Frannie and Ally continue to blossom!!!


Donna said...

I am soooo looking forward to the day we have all the girls finally home and playing together.

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

4 mommies (or more) and 4 little girlies (or more) will be lunching soon! Before Christmas! I'm so happy you will be travelling with our friends, the Millers! They are so fun and sweet. Can't wait to hear about your trip. Maybe all of the kids on the list can meet one day! What an amazing "red thread" they have.