Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Life has been crazy!!

I am sorry that I have left you hanging...things have been quite a mess! We did get our travel approval (see previous post), but we have yet to travel. We were unable to make the necessary appointments in China due to the swine flu. So, for a couple of weeks we waited - and nothing. Well, last week things started to open up again and yes, we have our travel dates!! I will be meeting our son on July 12 - PRAISE GOD!! While we are glad that we are finally going to bring him home, it is coming at a price. Our original plan was for Steve, Danielle and me to travel together to bring him home. I was good with this plan and was hoping beyond hope that it would work out. Unfortunately, it will not. Our new plan is for me to go to China - alone. Due to the H1N1 virus, things are quite tight in China, and we don't feel that we can risk taking Danielle. IF one of us were to have a fever when we land, we could be put in quarantine. IF a person sitting within 3 rows of us (in either direction) tests positive for swine flu, we could be put in quarantine. IF while in quarantine, one of us tests positive for swine flu, that person could be separated from the rest of the family and hospitalized - they could even put Danielle in the hospital without us going with her. Do I really think that this will happen? No...but we can't take that risk. So, our plan is for Steve to stay home with our 3 little ones, while I travel half way around the world to bring our son home. I am so sad that it has come to this. I have been praying that we could all go as planned - especially Steve, but we have to do what is best for all of our children - and we both can't leave Danielle for 2 weeks. That is why we decided that I need to go. If Steve were to go, Michael would bond with him, and then when they return home and Steve leaves for work, Michael may feel abandoned again. We can't have that. Since I am a stay-at-home mom, we decided that it would be best for me to go so that I can bond with Michael and learn about his wants and needs and so that we have a relationship before he meets his crazy sisters!! Steve and I have prayed about this and feel at peace with our decision. Steve is disappointed that he can't go, but he knows that we need to best meet the needs of all of our children. He is an awesome dad and I know that our girls will be well taken care of, but I sure am going to miss them like crazy!! Please pray for us - we can use all the help that we can get! I promise to update more over the next few weeks. China here I come!!!


Katy said...

So glad for the update--this flu stuff is crazy! we are revisiting our plans too. Just get the little guy home and it will all be okay!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Darci -- This is so disappointing I'm sure. Doug and I had a similar conversation just today after hearing of more quarantines in China. It's amazing. Seems that they are overreacting, but it's best for you to be pro-active I suppose.