Sunday, November 25, 2007

I am happy to report that Danielle is doing great! She still cries for her mom and grandmother at bed time and at naps, but she no longer is grieving all the time. We have given her pictures of her foster mom, and when she first saw it, she dropped her head back and screamed in pain. It was so hard to watch. Now when she is grieving, she goes and gets the pictures to show us. We all shed some tears together, and she moves on. I must say that watching a 15 month old grieve is the absolute hardest thing I have ever had to go through - and many of you know some of the hard things that I have had to go through. This is the worst. I am just grateful to God that he is healing her heart - please keep up the prayers. We had a great dinner last night at the White Swan Hotel (another big adoption hotel that is absolutely beautiful). One of the guys who plays softball with Steve has a brother (Richard) who just moved here to Guangzhou with his wife (Tisha) and 2 daughters. Tisha is working at the US Consulate - although not in the adoption department at this time. Anyway, we were able to meet up with them for a wonderful dinner. Their daughters are beautiful - ages 4 & 15 months, so Tao Tao wasn't the only one making a mess at the table. Oh!! She finally drank something! At dinner she drank a liquid yogurt that is very popular here. She also began to show us that she can eat! She loves fruit (especially mandarin oranges and dragon fruit) fact, she ate 4 oranges at lunch and 4 at dinner. She wanted more, but we couldn't in good conscience do it - we didn't want her tummy to get upset! She really is doing well. We are glad that she is eating, but now she is boycotting the bottle - go figure. I actually think that the bottle reminds her of her mother, but at least she is getting food now. She is a cutie - very busy and always exploring. For those of you who know our other 2 girls, you know that she will fit right in! Right now, Steve and Tao Tao are out on a tour of a flower pagoda, and I am alone in the hotel room. I went on a shopping expedition with a local - Ann (from She was fabulous! I bought all of the souveniers that I needed/wanted and then some, for a fraction of the price that I can find around our hotel. It's almost embarrassing what I spent on some things! In fact, she just came back to my room with her friend who is a finger painting artist - wait until you see what this young man (age 22) can paint with his fingertips and nails! It is breathtaking! I bought a number of pictures from him for such a steal! But at least he gets all of the money instead of only 40% of the jacked up prices here on Shamian Island (where our hotel is). It is also cool that I was able to meet and talk to him - so now I can honestly say that I met the man who painted our pictures!! I am a little disappointed that I missed out on our tour, but I am so glad that I went shopping! Like I said, I bought all that I could possibly need and we will still be bringing money home. It was worth paying Ann $10 per hour for her help and bargaining skills - I couldn't have done it without her! I just wanted to let you all know that things are really going well now - and now that shopping is done, I am ready to go home. Only 2 more days before we fly home and I am more than ready! I am so grateful for all of your comments, prayers and support. Keep them up - we need them. I know that you all want pictures, and I am sorry that I haven't posted more. Computers here are ridiculously slow and I really haven't had the time to fiddle with it! I promise to post a ton when I get home. I was going to try to post some now, but Steve has the camera. Hold on - only a few more days and you will have pictures - I promise!! Love to you all!


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Hi Darcy and Steve -- Danielle is so precious. We took a peek at Aisha's blog and saw a few pics of her! She is just adorable! I know you are so pleased with her progress.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
So great to hear things are going well. How big she looks and all that hair!!! I'm sorry I haven't posted, Cameron has been sick sinc last Monday with strep and then I got sick too. I'm still trying to recoop but I thought I'd get up and check on you all.
Sounds like you have had a great and exciting trip. I'm sure your girls are ready to meet their sister too. I can't wait to see more pictures. We love you guys and are sooo happy - Tell Amy & Joe hello and we can't wait to see pictures of their new daughter too.
Love you guys! (From steve's fbm - Paulette (& all the guys)

Ellen and Kevin Fay said...

Darcy and Steve: I know it's so hard to blog when you are busy! I've been praying and hoping all is well. When you get home, please call ME when you have the time, I will not bug you, I promise! xo Ellen

Anonymous said...

Hey guys- So glad to hear Danielle is doing better. I can't imagine what going through this with her is like but I pray God makes it better very day. We can't wait for you to come home!! I'm going tomorrow to check on the fruit- Mee Mua said it's the end of the season for it so pray I can find it. Thanks again for keeping us updated almost daily! In case I don't get to write again, have a safe journey back.
Love you guys- Cynthia

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve and Darcy!
Thank you for the updates and we are looking forward to meeting the new member of the family. We will continue to pray for your safe return! God bless!
Mark and Angie

Anonymous said...

You are SO in our prayers! I can't wait to meet Danielle!! My sister got her travel date, she is leaving the day after Christmas!
Natalie Pope

Michele Nicholson said...

Just seeing if it works before I attempt to write a novel again and it deletes the whole thing.

Michele Nicholson said...

Sorry, I'm the worst at computors! I finally figured out how to post. You don't even know me, I've been following your story since the beginning and could so relate to your journey. I met you at Cornerstone Church back when you first got your picture of Danielle. My husband and I have 3 bio sons (20,18,16) and a daughter we adopted from China 4 1/2 years ago. She will soon be 6. Our Ellie was 15 months when we got her. She, like Danielle, attached to Keith, my husband, instead of me. I was glad that she bonded to one of us, but ya feel kind of left out in the cold after all the blood, sweat and tears you put into the whole process. I think I fell in love with her before I even met her and when she rejected me it hurt so badly. In my head, I understood it, but it didn't make it hurt any less. The great thing is, she eventually bonded to me as well as our whole family. In fact, I'd have to say, she's pretty much a mama's girl now! Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I can completely relate to how painful it is to see a baby grieve! Ellie was 15 months when we adopted her and to see a baby cry in grief is the most heartwrenching thing I've ever been through. I've seen babies cry because they're hungry or wet or tired or even hurt, but this kind of cry rips your heart out! Ellie has had such a healthy adjustment and has bonded so beautifully because she has dealt with her grief all along the way. It seems hard now, but it's really best that they deal with it from the beginning. I'd love to share more with you when you get back... please email me anytime you want. Remember never to try to distract her from her grief. Sometimes it's tempting to try to get her mind on something else or give her a treat to make her feel better, but I've read and know from experience, that it's just best to allow them to get it out and comfort them as much as they will allow.
We are in the process of adopting another little girl from China. She will have a SN (minor heart condition). We can't wait to go get her! We'll probably go sometime in March or April 08. So you can see, as hard as it seems now, this heartache is all part of the bonding process and in the end so worth it. It is the most worthwhile and fulfilling thing we've ever done. I can't think of a better way to spend my life.
Good luck and we will keep your family in our prayers.
Michele Nicholson