Saturday, November 24, 2007

Well, we made it to Guangzhou - the last leg of our journey, before returning home. We also have great news....yesterday (Friday) and today, Fu Tao woke up without crying! This was a first! She still cries for her mom before she goes to sleep, but she is definitely adjusting! On Friday was the best day we have had so far. She still prefers Daddy, but she is smiling and interacting more and more. Our flight left Nanning at 6:50 pm last night and it was full of adoptive families; however, our little one was the one that cried the most. She actually did really well considering that her naps had been messed up, and she was probably hungry from hunger strikes this week. Amy gave her a lollipop, and let me tell you, our little country girl knew how to work it! She tore it up - but she was a sticky mess (and so was Daddy). We arrived at the Victory Hotel late last night and had a bit of difficulty getting her to sleep, but once she was down, she stayed down. Finally, this morning our little girl ate a great breakfast! She still won't eat congee, but this was the first day that our Asian Princess ate rice - go figure! After breakfast, we went for her physical exam - that was not fun! The place was packed and it was her naptime! We actually went through the exams quite quickly and then it was back to the hotel for naps. While Daddy and Tao Tao napped, I worked on our paperwork for the US consulate...we are finally done with paperwork and fees! WHEW! We went to Lucy's for lunch (where Steve and I had cheeseburgers and Tao Tao tore up some noodles and ate 4 mandarin oranges!). Then we tracked down a stroller and bought her squeaky shoes! Right now she is squeaking all over our suite! Very cute! So all in all, things are getting better and better every day - thank you God! Oh, the clerk at one of the shops here told us that she was "spicy" - very accurate description. Although we are enjoying our time here, we are ready to come home. After I complete my shopping list, then I will be good to go! Our love to you all! Oh, and Stephanie and Liz are doing fantastic - all that worrying for nothing! Again - thank you God!!


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear it is getting better. I think Lucy's is everyone's first meal when you get back to Guangzhou. We will start praying for the plane ride home. Hannah had a long fit on board that flight but God sent us an angel that was able to get her to sleep for us. I'm glad Steph and Liz are doing well. We love you.

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Hey Guys - Enjoy this last stop in your journey! Hope you meet our friends, the Millers, soon! Can't wait for our "digit lunch" next month with 5 our our girls!!! Glad she is making progress!

Anonymous said...

Darcy and Steve,
Glad to hear things are going better! We have certainly been praying for that!!! Mikael, Mama and Bompa have made it to your place! The girls should be worn out tonight!!! We'll keep praying! Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

Hi Darcy. I have enjoyed reading your blog. I got tears in my eyes reading your description about how much your little girl was missing her China family. It's encouraging to know that many other people have gone through this and can confidently tell you that it'll get better. Amen!

I look forward to meeting your new daughter when you get back to Atlanta. I have been praying for you guys.

Karen :)
HOPE for Children