Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Anonymous said...

Darcy, what a cuttie! Tell Meg I said hello!


Susan and Dan said...

Hi Darcy
Just found your blog and wanted to say congratulations on getting your new little guy! Very handsome!! I traveled by myself to adopt Mimi and it was tough at times, but lots of great memories and treasured times with just the two of us....I hope you capture those times forever in your mind. I can recall certain places and specific details as if they were yesterday. Stay safe and have a great trip! Susan Chapman

Joan (Nana) said...

Darcy I am Donna mom. Nana to the Straight kids. Following your journey their in China. Your Son is wonderful..what a beauty..hope everything fr here out goes well. I can just guess how much you miss your family..I'm missing my grandbabies and they are just on vacation for a week. Today is Faith birthday and yesterday was Donna's. Praying for you and family