Monday, July 20, 2009

Temple, acrobats and hot pots - oh my!

After Michael's nap on Sunday, we met the gang for an afternoon outing. Our guide took us first to the Temple of Heaven. It was in a nice park and it really was beautiful. Not much to see other than a few "temple" buildings, but they were nice. After that we went to the Flying Acrobats show - it was amazing!!! Michael was not too thrilled to have to sit on my lap, but I wasn't going to pay for another ticket, and besides, he wouldn't have been able to see! Once I gave him some crackers, he was fine. He was a bit scared of the show at times - the music could be a little ominous, but I enjoyed it thoroughly!! It was INCREDIBLE!!! I was amazed at how the performers' bodies could contort and how strong they all were!! I better quit complaining about carrying around one toddler!! Whenever they performed a stunt I was blown away - and then they would one-up it....again and again!! I was amazed at all of the limits that they pushed!! I can't even imagine how their rehearsals go! And who thinks up these stunts? They are mind-blowing!! The strength that these perfomers possess is unreal!! Balancing 6 girls - all of them on one arm...even the anchor girl!! One stunt was done on a bike with a girl peddling and then they added a pyramid of 10 girls - all while the bike is in motion!! UNBELIEVEABLE!! I was very impressed!

We went out to dinner after that at a restaurant that specializes in hot pots. I didn't really like it. Neither did Michael, which was a first!! I was glad that I tried it but was doubly glad that I had half a PBJ back at the hotel!! We were able to talk to Baba (Daddy) and the girls for a while before bed. They made it home after 10 days with my folks. They were worn out but glad to be back at home - I think. I know that they are missing their grandparents, but it will be good for them to get back into a routine (hint! hint!! Baba).

After Michael went to sleep, I decided to try and see if I could get our church service on the web, and guess what? It worked!! It was great to see some familiar faces (even though they couldn't see me) and to hear the wonderful music!! It was very comforting but it also made me more homesick. Hopefully I will be back in the States for the next service. I really enjoyed watching it - I even caught a glimpse of Steve and his Mom as the camera panned the least they made it!! I must admit though, I didn't make it all the way through the sermon. I am sorry Seth Wortman, but I really did go to sleep during it - at least I turned the computer off first! It was great, I was just too tired and it got too late (11:15 pm). Trust me when I say it wasn't you, it was me!! I am going to go back and listen to the sermon from the archives - it sounded great from what I heard!! Thank you to all of my friends and prayer warriors out there - they are working, keep up the great work!!! God is good!


Ellen and Kevin Fay said...

Darcy: You are too funny. Truly. Trying to stay awake for the sermon. God bless you

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

How funny -- we had Hot Pot in Xian and we all loved it -- maybe more the experience than the food, but the food was OK! Hope everything is going well -- I'm guessing you are in GZ by now!!! THat must fell somewhat of a relief - familiar and one step closer to home!

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