Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Health check

Since we are staying so long in Beijing, our agency arranged to have the health check (required by the US Consulate in Guangzhou) done here in Beijing. There is a US approved clinic that can do the same exam (almost) that they do in Guangzhou. Since we will be shortening our time in Guangzhou, taking this step out of the process will be beneficial!! So our poor kids couldn't eat anything before the exam because they were going to have a blood draw. UGH!! We get to the clinic and fill out some paperwork and then we start the lovely process. The whole bit about getting the paperwork in order was frustrating. The Beijing clinic is just not as organized as the clinic on Shamian Island (Guangzhou), where they are used to dealing with these little kids. They were insistent that Michael was going to need 2 vaccinations, to which I fought them tooth and nail!! We are under the "old" rules of international adoption (600/non-Hague family), and therefore, do not need to have any vaccinations here in China. They finally gave up the battle and let me go on to the exam. Michael did great with the dental check and the eye exam. Although, I was very annoyed at the eye exam. They wanted him to sit in a chair and tell them which way the "E" was facing. Really (he's 2 years old). I mean, come on folks let's be real here!!! They finally gave up - ya think?. Oh, another frustrating point was they wanted him to pee in a cup. Keep in mind that he hasn't eaten or had anything to drink since the night before!!! Really - again (oh, as this post continues, remember that I haven't eaten anything either, thus the easy frustration on my part!). Since our first attempt of peeing in a cup failed, they told us to give him water - which thrilled him to no end. Next we went for the blood draw. Now I don't know if Michael was just tired of the chaos or overly hungry, but here is where we first experienced a little defiance from him (praise God!). He did not like me taking his bottle away and he plopped his little bottom on the floor and pouted. I then had to pick him up and carry him to the blood draw station - fun is coming!! They couldn't find a vein in the left arm, so they tried the right - all the while he is squirmming and fussing (not crying, just fussing). Okay, vein found, and tears begin!! Poor little guy cried all through both vials of blood being taken. He was quite annoyed after that - until I started giving him Goldfish - he got happy again. He cried again when they attached electrodes to him for his ECG - not happy with that at all. The technician said that he heart was beating fast but was okay. Huh, shocking - I wonder why!! When we went into the Dr.'s office for the general exam he plopped himself down on the floor again - he was done. So, I had to step on the scale with him and then alone and the doctor subtracted my wt. Nice. I was very encouraged - not!! When Michael realized that he wasn't going to be poked any more, he got happy again. Poor kid had been through the ringer!! On the way out of the doctor's office, the doc was talking to Michael and asked if I was his mama, and Michael said, "Mama"!! Clear as a bell!! That made my day!! So we were then all done with the stations - or so I thought. Michael still had to pee!!! We could not leave until they got his urine sample!!! UGH!! Talk about pressure. I took him into the bathroom and tried to encourage him to go. Finally Meg came in and told Michael (in Mandarin Chinese) he just had to go a little bit and then we could leave and go back to the hotel - and he went!!! PRAISE GOD!! We were out of that crazy clinic as fast as we could get down 4 flights of stairs!! Oh, and we did not need to get a chest x-ray!! Apparently his PPD (skin test for TB) was considered "normal" which is sufficient for entrance into the US. We are cautiously grateful. We are all praying that this is correct and we won't have any issues in Guangzhou - please pray that all is well!!

After that ordeal, we went to a great restaurant around the corner from our hotel and ate like royalty!!! The food was great and Michael fed himself his entire meal! Up until this point I have been feeding him which is good for building attachment. I will continue to feed him, but it was encouraging to know that he CAN do it himself!! We then came back to the hotel and I tried to lay him down for a nap. This wasn't as easy. He was upset about something, and would not cooperate. Now, I do not like it when my kids have temper tantrums, but in this case I am okay. He has been so easy and complacent that I was beginning to worry a little. Every day more of his personality is coming out. We still don't know if he was in foster care or the orphanage, but I do feel that he will be okay. Once he is around his crazy sisters, he will have no choice but to fend for himself!!! He eventually fell asleep and slept for 3 hours!! I decided to let him sleep since his schedule has been so out of whack. Plus, he still has a cold and I figured that he could really use the rest. After nap, I gave him some leftovers from lunch and Meg brought me a ham and cheese sub from a French sub shop. It was really good!! Then we decided to take him to the pool. Meg wanted to swim some laps and so Michael and I hung out at one end of the pool. He looked pretty slick in his biker shorts suit and swim cap!! Me, not so much. He was scared at first, but then he just started laughing!! He cried when we got out of the pool. He seemed to really enjoy it, which is good since his sisters are fish. We made it up to the room to talk to Baba and the 3 sisters. Earlier in the day, Michael began to really look at the picture book we sent him with pictures of us. He even said "mama" and "baba" at the appropriate picture!! He has been carrying that book ever since!!! Today was a crazy day, but he is getting more and more comfortable with me. Oh, on another negative note...Facebook continues to be blocked and now I can't even get sound for CNN. I guess the uprising in the western part of the country is still causing some trouble. But it's killing me!! UGH!!!! Keep the comments coming - it really helps my sanity!!! You can also email me - I am craving more contact with the outside world!!!


Unknown said...

I look forward to reading all about your adventures in china with your son. He seems to be adjusting well to his new life with you and I know you cant wait to come and begin your life together. God is good and he will continue to look after you on this journey.

Donna said...

Love reading all about your adventures! Can't wait to meet the newest addition to the digit friends. Sure hope they don't make you redo any medical stuff in GZ. Keep up the good work mommy!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

You are doing great -- thank goodness you have Meg to help with everything. I'm sure you fell much "less alone" having her on your team! What a blessing. So, how is the weather? Hope you are sleeping well!

Ellen and Kevin Fay said...

Sounds like an adventure. Can't wait to meet him too!

michelle said...

I loved reading your blog today! i cannot wait till you come home and we get to meet your son. He is Andrews age we will need to get the boys together! They boys will be talking choo-coos and cars like there is no tomorrow. You all are in my prayers daily. love ya kiddo!