Sunday, July 12, 2009


I am not going to post a lot right now, but let me just say thank you for all of your prayers. Michael is in shock, but is doing REALLY well!! He is making eye contact with me which is great!! I even got my first smile out of him when I brought out his Thomas the Train set - he loves it!!! He is trying to make it work himself. After a big bottle of water, he even indicated that he had to go potty, so I put him on the toilet and he went! PRAISE GOD!! He is walking well and is absolutely beautiful!! I couldn't be more pleased with how well things are going. After doing some paperwork, we Skyped Daddy at 11:45 pm (ET) and they got to meet!! Michael was pretty quiet, but I know that Steve and his son are going to be great buddies!! GOD IS GOOD!! I will post more soon!!!


Donna said...

LOVE HIS beautiful sweet EYES!! Oh my goodness is he gorgeous or what?!?! Thanks for all the updates and pictures. Glad to hear all is well. Keep up the good work mommy, you are my hero!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see that you have your new son in your hands! I have enjoyed reading about your family's journey with both children. You guys are such an inspiration and I share your story with many people. Michael has a great family with so much love now and he is going to be wonderful. When I read the blog that you had Michael now it just brought tears to my eyes. It is truly a wonderful sight! Thanks for sharing your story!!!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Yeah Darcy! So happy to see you all together! He is really a cute little boy! Congrats.

Ellen and Kevin Fay said...

Darcy: I tried to comment earlier and got a bounceback. I'll try again. He is so cute! God is so good. You and Steve must be so excited.

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS! He is sooo beautiful and you look so happy. God has answered all of our prayers . Cant wait for our Michaels to be best buddies.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! We are so happy for you! I was up late last night thinking that maybe it would be around the time you would get him and prayed for a smooth transition. We have big smiles on our face seeing these pics and hearing how he is doing. :) Jenny Vrooman

Anonymous said...

Oh, Darcy . . . he is so beautiful. When you get home, please bring him (and the girls, of course!) to see us at Eastminster. We can hardly wait!


Mike and Kelly said...

Michael is beautiful!! Wonderful news about going to the potty too - yeah!!! - Kelly